Not sure how you feel about parenting or if it’s for you? Nervous and undecided? You are not alone, and we can help.

How Should I Feel?

Since parenthood is no small decision, it can fill many with lingering feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress. Know this is normal; no matter where you are in life, even those who plan pregnancy find themselves experiencing the same emotions. These feelings can be mixed with others. The truth is, there is no wrong way to feel. We all will have unique experiences as we approach parenthood, and there’s no one right way.

Taking Some Time

It’s important to take some time to reflect on your feelings and allow yourself some time to let the initial feelings of shock to subside. Once this feeling has passed, you’ll receive more clarity on how you might feel about pregnancy and the parenting option. You shouldn’t rush into a decision. You want to make sure you are comfortable with a decision you made at the moment without allowing some time to digest the news and weigh your options.

What If My Situation isn’t Ideal for Parenting?

We can help! If you’re worried your circumstances are less than desirable for parenthood, we’re here to help set you up for success, no matter your situation. Know that there will likely never be a perfect time to grow your family, but preparing yourself and your life for this new adventure will help you feel ready and able.

Walking The Path Forward Together

We provide parenting classes and materials that furnish you with the proper support, guidance, and items you’ll need. Contact us to assist you and walk alongside you during this journey. You will not be alone; here, you will find the positive support you need to thrive.