When you discover you have an unplanned pregnancy, your life may feel totally out of control. The good news is you have complete control over what to do next. You have three options for your pregnancy: make an adoption plan, choose to parent, or have an abortion. Let’s take a closer look at each option.
What Do You Think About Adoption?
Although most people have heard about adoption, very few know how the process works. Today, the expectant mother or birth mother makes all the decisions. You choose the adoptive family who will raise your child and the future you hope your child will have.
Adoption services cost you nothing when you work with a reputable, licensed adoption coordinator. Your medical and legal expenses are covered, and in many cases, you can receive assistance with other pregnancy-related services such as rent, food, maternity clothes, etc.
Based on the amount of future contact you wish to have with your child and their adoptive family, you can choose either an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. Select an adoption coordinator who provides thorough adoption counseling and puts your needs first.
Have You Thought About Parenting?
Choosing to parent requires determination and a lot of love. Just because your pregnancy was unplanned doesn’t mean parenting is impossible. You should ask yourself some essential questions as you contemplate parenthood:
- Will my partner or parents support me?
- Where will I live?
- Can I finish school or continue working?
- Is there someone who will support me physically and emotionally?
- Can I financially afford to parent?
- What assistance would I need to be able to parent successfully?
The answer to these questions can help you formulate a parenting plan. Everyone struggles to parent in one way or another, but there are many resources to assist you. We offer parenting education classes and material support when needed.
Before you rule out this option, discuss the available resources with one of our caring EPIC Center advocates.
Are You Considering an Abortion?
If you are thinking about ending your pregnancy, learn about abortion procedures, possible side effects, and potential physical and emotional risks first. You will want to educate yourself so you are fully prepared.
There are two types of abortion: medical (also known as the abortion pill method) and surgical. How far along you are in your pregnancy determines the type of procedure you qualify for.
The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only. The abortion pill method uses two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone from reaching the uterus, which ends the pregnancy. Misoprostol causes bleeding and contractions to remove the pregnancy from the body.
An early surgical abortion uses suction or vacuum aspiration. Later surgical procedures require the provider to dilate (open) your cervix and use scraping tools or forceps. It may be necessary to have general or local anesthesia.
Some of the risks include heavy and prolonged bleeding, an incomplete abortion, and infection. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can answer your questions and provide factual information.
Reach Out to The EPIC Center
If you are struggling with your decision for your unplanned pregnancy, schedule a free and confidential appointment with us. We can discuss your situation and all of your options.
We have two convenient locations. Contact us today because we’re here for you.