What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

While the only way to confirm your pregnancy is by taking a test, there are some early symptoms to watch for that could indicate you’re pregnant. EPIC Center is a safe, compassionate place for women with unintended pregnancies to turn to. We provide urine-based, lab-quality pregnancy tests and limited ultrasounds after a positive pregnancy test

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What Are the Warning Signs of Infection After Abortion?

Understanding abortion-related risks is key when learning about your pregnancy options. One such risk, infection, can be difficult to identify. Learning everything you can about this risk will help you to make a confident pregnancy decision and protect your health. EPIC Center is here to equip you with the facts. Abortion Procedures: What’s the Difference?

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Abortion comes with numerous physical and psychological risks that all women should be aware of. If you have an unexpected pregnancy, you owe it to yourself to understand any risks and side effects.  Some women turn to online abortions to terminate their pregnancies. But this is an unsafe method and poses certain dangers you should

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What is a Medical Abortion?

Before making an unplanned pregnancy decision, know your options and seek the information you need. Medical abortion is a big decision with major consequences. And it may not be the right choice for you. Get the facts beforehand at EPIC Center. We’re here to provide needed services and give you clarity. Receive information from a

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Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Ultimately, if you’re pregnant, the pregnancy decision is yours. No one can force you to choose an option you feel uncomfortable with. And if you have a partner, it is your choice to tell them your pregnancy news. Sharing this news with your partner may be beneficial if you have a solid foundation and would

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

You have multiple options when facing an unintended pregnancy. Most importantly, you have more support than you may realize. But why should you choose EPIC Center for pregnancy services? What sets us apart from the rest? 1. We’re committed to providing compassionate care. An unintended pregnancy can result from an abusive relationship. Or perhaps you’re

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Combing through your options when unexpectedly pregnant can be a time of stress and stress. You may know you wouldn’t like to parent, so what options do you have now? Your other choices are abortion and adoption. Abortion is the only option that terminates the pregnancy, while adoption involves placing the child with a family.

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Before having an abortion, you’ll want to review your pregnancy options and ensure this is right for you. Abortion carries a number of risks and possible complications, including incomplete abortion.  What is an Incomplete Abortion? Incomplete abortions occur when some of the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus after a medical abortion, surgical abortion, or

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

While women facing an unintended pregnancy may know of some physical side effects of abortion procedures, they might not know all the risks involved. Understanding and identifying these risks is vital before agreeing to any abortion procedure. We’ll walk you through the risks of each procedure and what you should do before an abortion to

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